A Commitment to Scripture

A Commitment to Scripture

We are a people of the Book. We are committed to the truth as found in the 66 books of the Bible. Believing the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God, we give ourselves to learning it, loving it, and living it. 

We believe that the central message of the Bible is the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God whose life, death, and resurrection secure eternal life for all who would trust in Him.

An authentic commitment to Scripture is the reason we are firmly committed to expository preaching. Expository preaching is preaching which seeks to explain and apply the meaning of the Scripture as intended by the divine and human author. Expository preaching serves as both a catalyst for spiritual growth and a defense against deception. We recognize how lies and half-truths poison relationships, hinder authentic connection, and numb our ability to truly experience joy. Therefore, we take seriously the responsibility to believe and behave in accordance with the truth of the Scripture.